2019/2020 UHAS School of Allied Health Sciences Fees

The University of Health and Allied Sciences popularly known as UHAS is one of the youngest public Universities in Ghana. It was established by a Parliamentary Act in 2012 and is devoted to teaching, research and service in the Health Sciences.

The University has two campuses situated at Home and Hohoe. Whiles the campus at Ho serves as the Main and Administrative campus, the one at Hohoe houses the School of Public Health. So in effect, apart from the School of Public Health that is situated in the Hohoe campus, the rest of the Schools and Faculties are at the Main campus which is at Ho.

The schedule of fees for the School of Allied Health Sciences has been released by the University. The schedule contains information on the fees for Regular, Fee-Paying, Level 400 top-up as well as international students.

Click here to download the schedule.

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